The right questions when interviewing a project manager is responsible for choosing the right person. But not all questions have to asked by the PM. In fact, many have laid the questions before considering ever put an ad in the newspaper - or the labor market, if you are out of date. And of course you have to answer these questions a long time before calling an external recruitment agency.
While this short article can not cover all the alternatives. But here are 11Questions to ask before you start looking for a Project Manager.
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1 Why you need a project manager? Every project needs a project - from a variety. But not all projects need the same type or level of management control. The reason for wanting a project manager will focus on the skills needed to bring.
2 What will their roles and responsibilities? They are responsible for the work or make it only for the administration? They are expected to assume theirpeople or work with you?
3 Who will show? Who are officially reporting tell you a little 'their status intended. What does really what politics are about project management. And the difficulties that need to be prepared.
4 Who has to report? Who can manage directly the skills needed to rent. Remember that project managers often at a level below that which should have been changed.
About 5must communicate with them? The project organizational chart is often revealing. Enter for actors who are actually members of the project team. Ensure that activities in silos within the organization. These services often allow groups to the level of project managers who have a need to take and what level is expected to report to underestimate.
6 What should I report it? Unfortunately, the project managers are often expected that people who need them reportto manage. The result is a list of skills, contradictory, or is in contradiction with what you need to succeed.
7 My process or them? Often, project managers in companies that are not marketed through a formal process of project management. In this case, the PM will need to use their own process. Or is it a process. However, it has a number of questions. In this case, the PM will be able to quickly evaluate the process and resolves Institute. The complex is when a formal procedureexists and everybody thinks it's perfect. In this case, the PM should be able to terminate the process and institute without the need to evaluate political issues.
8 What skills will they need? One of the biggest problems in recruiting project managers, if they are asked to skills that are not appropriate to have. If the project should be VP or Director to manage the project team members, then they must attend a high level of vice president. A senior VP rarely (and shouldnot) must determine the capabilities, a programmer. If your watch is working as lead programmer on a technical level, then the skills are adequate. But then do not ask for extensive management and capacity planning. And if we're on the subject. Each project has different aspects. All project managers are all seven skills - at least in theory. However, if you look, you need to know which of these skills are more important.
9 What I offer them? Let face the facts here. First, it is not possibleTo hire a Senior Vice President and pay him the salary of a technician. Secondly, you need to know the methods for estimating the real tariff increases. Thirdly, money is only one aspect of what you have to offer and what would attract the kind of person you are for the position.
10 I can afford what I need? Not only individuals, over-commit their income. Sometimes it's not going to be able to afford what you want or need. There comes a point where you need to push back and say to your internal customers whonot what they want. At least not without adding more zeros to their needs. (I once saw an ad with the minimum wage, where the only possible candidate was James Gosling, OC, then the VP Needless to say, has been open for some time).
11 Do not I have time or part-time? There are a number of alternatives for hiring full-time project manager. You could sponsor the project management with the assistance of a consultant. You can hire the 'Project Manager for the main elements of the project only. It might be liable, so that their full-time attendance is not required.
Things to do when interviewing a project manager - 11 Questions Before You Begin
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