1. Assume Your Trainee Is Ignorant And Unskilled
Don't fret. I mean ignorant and unskilled in the subject of your instruction. If you don't adopt this approach, your planning will be unbalanced. Some trainees will miss things they don't know and can't do while others will be bored by instruction in knowledge and skills they already have. Assuming ignorance and lack of skill enables you to test trainees so that they only receive the instruction they need.
2. Instruction Cannot Survive Poor Or Inadequate Preparation
The best presenter will fail if his or her preparation is poor. Presentation skills may get you by in the classroom but not in the workplace. Trainee competence is what's demanded at work. If trainees can't display competence, all the presentation tricks and sleight of hand won't help.
Online Project Management Training
3. Always Design Instruction "In Reverse"
When designing instruction never, ever "start at the beginning and end at the finish". Start with measurable competencies to be displayed at the end of the instruction: the "learning outcomes" if you like. Work back to the start. Design on job instruction in the reverse order to which you'll present it.
4. Instructors Must Commit To Trainee On Job Competence
Instructors and on job trainers must put their "money where their mouth is". That means they must state clearly, before instruction commences
What trainees will be able to do at the end of the training What trainees will know at the end of the training.
And those outcomes should be stated in clearly measurable terms.
5. Trainees Deserve To Have A Map
Before instruction commences, supply a map to trainees. They deserve to know the learning outcomes, the timing, the structures, the stages or section and the overall plan for the instruction. They're also entitled to know when and how their progress and overall competence will be measured. And they should be told of the rewards of showing competence.
6. Reward Knowledge And Competence
Trainees should be able to move through the program at their own pace provided they demonstrate predetermined knowledge and competence. The sooner trainees are operating successfully on the job, the better.Those opportunities and benchmarks should be included in the design before the training commences.
7. The Success of Instruction Can Be Measured In Only One Way
Demonstrable, continuous on job competence is the only effective Measure of success in education. And these measures should be determined before the instruction begins. The instructor opinion does not really matter. Neither the demonstrated competence in the classroom. If the student can not demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the labor market is the lack of training. The trainee did not fail. He has the class. And there is a good example, to say the teacher has failed to do.
Careful planning is the key to successjob instruction and training. And the depth of planning will determine the quality of presentation. We are over concerned with presentation. It's important. But what happens before the training or instruction commences is what matters most.
This article is about preparing on job workplace training: training leading to on job competence. It's not concerned with classrooms or presentation skills. You might be the best classroom presenter in the world. If your training design is inadequate, your training or instruction is unlikely to lead to on job competence.
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