Thursday, June 30, 2011

ITIL Project Management World

There are many ways project management can be effectively used, such as the development of new software applications or the development and implementation of ITIL in a world of new infrastructure. One of the best ways of managing the project can be used in continuous service improvement (CSI). IT organizations are often looking for better ways to manage network activity, but unfortunately it is so focused on fighting fires, there is not enough time to take a step back, analyze the problem and provide aImprovement.

How should a company go beyond the use of project management for CSI? Where do I start?

Online Project Management Training

Use a basic project manager project management methodology (PMBOK, which is the Project Management Book of Knowledge) would be. The size of the project would determine what is used and for what amount of the PMBOK. In other words, only the amount of project management that is needed is used. In the case of a CIS project, often only a small amount of project management is required. CSICosts / benefits of the project should first be conducted to determine which area is most important to address. Once this is completed, a project to improve this area can be created. For the cost / benefits of the project, the project manager (PM), it would be a 1-2 scale of the project plan with a short paragraph describing how the project would be executed. The purpose of this project is to conduct cost-benefit analysis of the ITIL processes. It would probably be an examination of the currentService Level Agreement (SLA) and SLA as these are the needs of society.

The project plan from a cost advantage / would be the necessary project resources, time and budget. The approach to determining what needs to be addressed is used to obtain information from knowledgeable, willing parties and interest groups to gather the required SLA, the future state. What the IT organization is convinced that the SLA should be (and can achieve) and what the business needs is often very different.I recently heard a CIO say that health care at 100% network availability is required. After a failure during a telesurgery (Secr) is a life and death. As he explained, "five 9's of availability network just does not cut."

The core team for this analysis were a group of leaders, especially IT, which could make the effort to identify and technical expertise and resources to be part of the solution.

This may seem like a lot of work just to the area for the process identificationImprovement and that is why many companies simply bypass this work. Often companies only choose one area and "Just Do It" to solve the problem. However, it is worth the time and three important points arise from this cost / benefit analysis of ALS. First, the criteria should be addressed to determine the SLA and this has developed over the cost / benefit analysis. Secondly, through this review, the SLA to be identified and addressed in order of priority on their costs,Risks and benefits to the organization. As a region, or an SLA process is fixed, the next area of ​​low priority to be addressed.

Thirdly, all the dependencies between SLAs as part of the cost / benefits identified. For example, say the SLA for the recovery of email downtime is four hours, but only 80% of the time that SLA is fulfilled, and to fulfill the obligation of 95% of the time. The investigation would be needed for the dependencies of the electronic mail system, how to understand how the networkThe availability and understanding of the OLA for the availability of the network. If the OLA is responsible for the availability of the network of 4 hours, there is no way for the e-mail service to be back in four hours since this online service is subject to the availability of the network (LAN / WAN) . A restoration goal of 2 hours for the LAN / WAN is probably necessary to meet the SLA for 4 hours e-mail. Use any function of the e-mail service must be determined and an improvement plan must be developed for each employee, ifare on the critical path of the e-mail SLA.

Once the cost / benefit analysis project has been completed, the results are presented for the management, along with a recommendation that the first address SLA. Once the blessing of management is received, the project for the creation of a new method to obtain the SLA can be started. The PM will:

• Creating a project area

• Collect all the requirements for the new SLA

• Determination of the CSI team

• Create a projectPlan

The first step is to gather important people from relevant fields to create a team to develop the project plan. The team should be from people who have a direct role in meeting the SLA and individuals who have been affected by ALS.

Once the team is composed of the PM is:

• Create a process to meet current ALS

We hope that the current procedures to meet the SLA had been documented, but often is not. Oncethe current process has been documented, the next step would be to perform a root cause analysis to determine the cause (s) found for the non-current SLA. The answer may not be as easy as you used to go to the OLA and SLA in the picture above.

• Creating a new trial on the paper with large contributions by the CSI team

There are many ways to provide solutions including diagrams, fishbone (Ishikawa diagrams), flow charts, etc. The crucial point is to develop the layout, step by stepActions together with the handoff between the groups and all waiting periods taken. The output of this series of meetings is a process that will consistently meet the SLA is forward. This is where project management is to involve the CSIs of systematic thought, a good solution to help find a job on a consistent basis. Often the solution is not immediately obvious and innovative ideas are a must. The team has a list of activities that are done for the service contract must comply.

Once thenew process has been identified and flowcharted on paper, the following will take place.

• identify the resources needed to create the new process (eg changes in software, etc.)

• Identify the time and cost for the project deliverables

• Create a budget, if all costs are identified

• Create a critical path for the project

• Create program

• Identification of risks (which are already at a high level of) Created

• Create a communication plan to stakeholders, the update process again

• Creating new metrics that guarantee the OLA and SLA is met

• management of communication processes in order to run a "green light" to the project

• Hold kickoff meeting for the project

While not an all-inclusive list of what must be done as part of the CIS, provides the main steps. Under the new procedure creates the next step in the process of solution, ifpossible, and if the pilot goes well, get the consent of the parties to introduce the new process. Part of the project is to plan a migration plan for the implementation of the process was.

There are three important results from a commitment to a successful CIS. The first is that society will benefit from an improved SLA. Second, the CSI projects often go quickly, so customers can see, technical staff and process owners to benefit directly. Third, this victory guide to whet your appetiteAcquisition of complex and larger projects as well as the ability of CSI to do so. With the management of the project for CSI ITIL offers great advantages in the world.

ITIL Project Management World

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