A manager is also a project manager from a certain perspective, and rightly so.
From the moment the role of Operations Manager at first thought, the role has seen remarkable developments. A manager should take care of day to day operations of an organization has been, is now to be one of the parties interested in generating revenue for the organization.
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Globalization and perfect competition (as economists call it) brokegeographical barriers and trade, and companies now have the opportunity to do business in other countries. Of course, this has led to greater competition, and stretch all organizations, their resources to survive and thrive in such an environment.
As the companies have increased the competition react?
Companies around the world have responded to increased competition, strengthening the role of Operations Manager (of course, was the only option). AManager was previously responsible for the smooth functioning of day to day in a society.
A manager is now also responsible for profitability. New tools and ideas have been implemented to evaluate performance and needless to say, the role is considered worn out. Let's say a few words, responsibility, and thus has the kind of work.
Because a manager is also a project known asManager?
Departmentalization: companies have classified each delivery of goods and services to a client as a project. For example, if a company provides a large shipment of goods to a customer's entire mission is expected as a project.
A manager who is responsible for operations related to delivery programs called the project manager. Of course, he is called upon to play roles r that were previously unknown.
Evaluation of the role: Of course, allDeliveries of goods and services have come to be regarded as a project. As mentioned above, new tools and ideas to be implemented to ensure better quality and timely compliance with the deliverables.
Statistics and arrays are increasingly used to evaluate the performance of a project. Of course the best thing that can be measured on these initiatives goals, progress and development and target can be set for future performance.
Increasing complianceParameters: The parameters of compliance becoming more stringent all over the world, and new standards are constantly evolving. Many standards have been for companies to service only (for example, an IT company), but these standards in other companies as well, rolled, and, of course, managers are required to complete projects in a way that is d 'agreement is compatible with standards designed the entire company. The best aspect of these initiatives haswas a significant improvement in overall capacity.
The best thing that has probably increased competition from the recognition that a manager can offer more for a company was. Strict quality control parameters, world-class standards and a strengthened role for OM-managers have the potential that resides in the management of the project.
Project Management and how it relates to Operations Manager and Operations Management
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